Operational Data

National Gas provides a wide range of data, operational information, forecasts and reports for National Transmission System (NTS) users, industry analysts and wider gas market stakeholders.
In this section, you will find information about the range of gas industry data we provide every day, and how we share this essential data with stakeholders across the gas market. The data we provide includes operational data, held in our Gas Data Portal, as well as supplementary reports and offline spreadsheets available on our website.
- Gas Data Portal: Under our Gas System Operator (GSO) licence, we provide open data via our Gas Data Portal. Here you will find forecast and live gas supply and demand, real-time flow rates, storage capacity, margins notices, entry and exit capacity details and much more.
- Our data: Find out more about the data we make available for industry stakeholders and analysts via our website. This includes data on everything from linepack and Composite Weather Variable (CWV) forecasts to storage levels and archive information.
- Operational Forum: We hold regular Operational Forum meetings throughout the year, to provide helpful insights and information about operational performance and events on the National Transmission System (NTS). Join us to keep up to date with the latest news and trends.
- Maintenance: We work with customers to plan system access requirements, maintenance needs and outage programmes. Find out more about our maintenance plans, outages and the types of maintenance we carry out on the gas transmission network.
- REMIT: Under REMIT regulations, gas market participants must publish ‘inside information’ about businesses or facilities which they own or control, before they can trade on the wholesale energy markets. Find out how you can view or publish REMIT notifications.
Please note that if your query relates to a home or domestic gas connection or meter exchange, please contact your network operator. You can find out who your network operator is on the Energy Networks Association website.
Explore our operational data

Gas Data Portal
Access live gas supply and demand data, demand forecasts, gas flow data, capacity reports and other real-time information.
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Our data
Explore the range of operational data, supplementary reports and other useful information we provide for stakeholders.
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National Gas Energy Forum
Join the National Gas Energy Forum for strategic industry insights and operational updates on NTS performance and activity.
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Find out how our maintenance activities keep the gas National Transmission System (NTS) safe, fit for purpose and operating efficiently.
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View REMIT notifications from gas wholesale market participants on ‘inside information’ relating to their businesses or facilities.
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