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The transition from natural gas to hydrogen is an important technical priority for National Gas – and is critical to the delivery of net zero for the UK. FutureGrid is providing vital insights into hydrogen transportation and blending – to support the full-scale conversion to hydrogen.  

Leading the way in the transition to hydrogen

As the UK prepares for the transition to hydrogen, it’s vital to demonstrate that the National Transmission System (NTS) and existing gas pipelines and assets can operate safely with hydrogen.  

That’s why we have created the FutureGrid high-pressure test facility at DNV Spadeadam to carry out a wide range of essential hydrogen tests. Purpose-built using recently decommissioned NTS assets, this micro-transmission network allows us to carry out extensive tests in a secure offline environment, replicating every part of the gas transmission system. These tests will enable us to assess the effects of hydrogen on our pipes and assets, and on the operation of the network.  

The aim of FutureGrid is to develop processes and safety standards that will allow us to run a safe and reliable national hydrogen transmission network. The outcomes of FutureGrid will inform the development and design of Project Union

Phase 1: Facility

The FutureGrid high-pressure test facility at DNV Spadeadam is a world-first. It has been used to demonstrate that the pipelines and assets of the gas National Transmission System (NTS) could be used safely and reliably to transport hydrogen gas.

The FutureGrid test programme initially focused on evaluating the performance of key gas transmission assets with hydrogen. These assets included valves, filters and pipework. The phase 1 test programme assessed the performance of these assets in varying network conditions and with different blends of hydrogen and natural gas. We carried out tests using blends of 2%, 5% and 20% hydrogen with natural gas, as well as 100% hydrogen.

Tests were carried out in our purpose-built offline test facility, as well as in stand-alone test modules. These stand-alone tests included:

  • Material permeation testing
  • Pipe coating and cathodic protection testing
  • Flange testing
  • Asset leak testing
  • Rupture testing

The phase 1 testing helped us to understand the similarities and differences in the behaviour of hydrogen and natural gas – so we can develop appropriate safety standards and procedures. 

Phase 1: Facility
Our project partners

The scale and complexity of the net-zero challenge requires extensive cross-industry collaboration. The Phase 1 FutureGrid project was supported by specialist contributing partners:

DNV: our main delivery partner, responsible for building the test facility and developing a comprehensive test plan across the range of decommissioned assets. 

Northern Gas Networks (NGN): collaborating on the project to build closer links with the H21 project, which is building a distribution test facility at the test site. 

HSE Science Division: supporting the development of the test facility and master test plan, providing technical assurance and validation. 

Fluxys: the Belgian gas transmission operator is contributing substantial hydrogen research, to support international collaboration.

Durham University: sponsoring a secondment student to study NTS asset gaps, focusing on developing skills and training courses along with Phase 2 of FutureGrid.

University of Edinburgh: supporting the trials and developing technical papers and research from the project, to enable dissemination. Linking H100 activities and FutureGrid/H21 activity to prevent duplication.

To find out more about the testing completed as part of FutureGrid Phase 1, take a look at our FutureGrid Testing Guide

FutureGrid is open for business

Now that we have completed our own extensive trials of hydrogen and blended gases at the FutureGrid site, this high-pressure network of decommissioned pipelines and assets is available for use as a testing base by our partners. Any network operators, asset managers or other third parties can now book the facility to carry out their own tests on assets and novel technologies. 

Please email us at [email protected] to find out more about the facilities available and how you could use them for your testing programmes.

FutureGrid information and resources:

Project overview
FutureGrid Chat Podcasts

FutureGrid Chat is a podcast series that brings together key experts from around the business and wider industry to talk about some of the big questions in hydrogen and how FutureGrid supports this.

  • FutureGrid - Building a hydrogen safety case: Tom Neal (FutureGrid Programme Manager) is joined by Corinna Jones (Director of Clean Power 2030), Shaun Bosomworth (HyNTS Compression Manager) and Katie Petherbridge (Innovation Development Manager) to discuss FutureGrid Phase 1 Closure Report and how this helps to build a hydrogen safety case. 
  • FutureGrid and other innovation projects: In the latest episode of FutureGrid Chat hosted by Lloyd Mitchell (Hydrogen Engineering Lead for FutureGrid), Peter Martin and Robert Best (Hydrogen Innovation Engineers) discuss some of the innovation projects they are working on that support FutureGrid.
  • All about the NTS: Kirsty McDermott (Senior Welding Engineer), Shaun Bosomworth (Senior Delivery Engineer) and Daniel Knowles (Hydrogen Engineer) discuss the characteristics of the National Transmission System (NTS), both now and in the future.
  • All about net zero policy: Tom Neal (FutureGrid Manager) talks to Malcolm Arthur (Net Zero Policy Manager) and Emily Ly (Senior Hydrogen Analyst) about the different published hydrogen strategies, what the key takeaways are and how we are preparing to deliver a Net Zero future.
  • The FutureGrid decommissioned assets: Shaun Bosomworth (Senior Delivery Engineer) and Steve Johnstone (Senior Innovation Specialist) discuss how the FutureGrid facility will replicate the National Transmission System (NTS) and where we’ve sourced the required equipment from.
  • The FutureGrid network: Jennifer Pemberton (Customer and Stakeholder Strategy Manager), Lloyd Mitchell (Hydrogen Engineer), Steve Johnstone (Senior Innovation Specialist) and Sarah Kimpton (Gas Quality Expert at DNV) discuss the FutureGrid project in detail and talk about the requirements of the network design.
FutureGrid Feature articles

FutureGrid Feature articles focus on specific topics relating to hydrogen and how our work on FutureGrid plays a key role.

  • Collaborating for FutureGrid and future gains: In this Feature article, we discuss the ways that collaboration is at the heart of the FutureGrid programme, and why it is so important.
  • Decarbonisation and net zero policy – what does it mean? In 2021, the UK government published several critical documents that will heavily influence the delivery of a net zero energy system. In this Feature article we talk about what this means for us and how we are responding to deliver a Net Zero future.
  • Getting hydrogen into homes: Tom Neal (FutureGrid Manager) discusses some of the challenges associated with hydrogen and how the FutureGrid project is working to understand what they mean for the future of the National Transmission System (NTS).
  • Re-using our assets to prove the hydrogen future of our network: Decommissioned assets were steadily delivered to Spadeadam for use on our FutureGrid hydrogen test facility, ahead of construction starting.Find out more about the work carried out to get us to this point.
FutureGrid Explore webinars

FutureGrid Explore webinars and face-to-face events focus on key topics relating to the FutureGrid project. These interactive sessions allow stakeholders to learn more about the project and participate in relevant discussions.

  • FutureGrid Hydrogen Testing Guide launch: In this session, Tom Neal, Shaun Bosomworth, Lloyd Mitchell and Daniel Knowles introduced the testing approach being taken with the various hydrogen concentrations being tested at the FutureGrid facility over the coming months (2, 5, 20 and 100% hydrogen). They also shared some of the high-level results from the standalone hydrogen testing that’s already been carried out on site.
  • Our compression and deblending challenges: In this FutureGrid Explore webinar, we looked at the challenges associated with hydrogen compression and deblending. Dave Hardman (Strategic Innovation Specialist) and Lynsey Stevenson (Hydrogen Innovation Engineer) gave an overview of some of the innovation projects we’re looking at to help us overcome these challenges.  
  • Maintaining the NTS: This FutureGrid Explore webinar looks at the ways that we currently maintain the National Transmission System (NTS), and how FutureGrid will help us understand what future maintenance may look like.
  • FutureGrid progress report launch: Having started Phase 1 of the FutureGrid project back in April, we discuss what we’ve achieved so far, including completing the groundworks, sourcing the decommissioned assets to construct the facility and operating a number of standalone hydrogen tests.
  • Constructing the test facility: In this FutureGrid Explore webinar, we explained more about our phase one plans, the hydrogen testing we’ll undertake and our vision for future phases of the FutureGrid programme.
FutureGrid InFocus blogs

FutureGrid InFocus is a blog series, written by those working on the project, providing insights and updates on the progress of the project as it is happening

  • What are the opportunities of a hydrogen gas network? Find out more the opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy industry in the latest FutureGrid InFocus blog written by Tom Neal (FutureGrid Manager).
  • The different phases of FutureGrid: Find out more about how we plan to expand the FutureGrid programme to enhance our knowledge of transporting hydrogen across our network in the latest FutureGrid InFocus blog, written by Haroon Khan (FutureGrid Project Manager).
  • How will FutureGrid help us better understand future maintenance requirements? Find out more about some of the different types of operational maintenance and how we think this will need to change as we transition our network to carry hydrogen in the latest InFocus blog written by Daniel Knowles (Hydrogen Engineer).
  • How will FutureGrid build our hydrogen knowledge? As we begin to see results from the FutureGrid standalone test modules we can see how our existing natural gas assets behave in a pressurised hydrogen environment. Find out more about how the FutureGrid project is helping to build our hydrogen knowledge in this InFocus blog by Danial Harrison (Hydrogen Engineer).
  • What is the role of FutureGrid in net zero? It's easy to get lost in the detail on a wide-ranging project like FutureGrid, but we have to always keep an eye on the prize; how does what we’re doing help us achieve Net Zero? Find out more in this InFocus blog written by Lloyd Mitchell (Hydrogen Engineer)
  • Construction has started: Find out more about how the project is progressing as we commence the build phase in the InFocus blog written by Shaun Bosomworth.
  • Reaching our hydrogen future: Find out more about the FutureGrid project and the newly established team in the first InFocus blog written by Tom Neal (FutureGrid Manager).
Progress reports
Closure reports

FutureGrid Phase 1 Closure Report 2024

Testing Guide

FutureGrid Testing Guide 

Phase 2: Deblending

Our ground-breaking deblending project is helping the UK prepare for the transition to cleaner, greener energy – testing ways to separate hydrogen from blended gases for use in vehicle fuelling.  

During the transition to 100% hydrogen on the NTS, we expect that hydrogen will be blended with natural gas. Our deblending project focuses on separating gases within the NTS so that hydrogen can be supplied for transport fuelling applications.  

Without deblending technology, hydrogen vehicles will only be able to refuel using locally produced hydrogen, until the national gas network switches to 100% hydrogen. That will restrict the rate at which the transport industry can decarbonise.

Our novel deblending project will showcase the full process, from separating blended transmission gases using electrochemical processes, through to refuelling hydrogen vehicles. The project will also develop low-cost mobile solutions for deblending and purification that can be deployed around the UK.  

Our vision for the future is that businesses could connect to the NTS to extract hydrogen for refuelling stations for road vehicles, rail or bus depots, or for use in the marine and aviation sectors. 

Our deblending project partners

FutureGrid deblending project is supported by these specialist partners:

DNV: an energy consultancy and research organisation which operates the Spadeadam testing and research site. Responsible for construction, commissioning and testing for the project. 

HyET Hydrogen: a manufacturer of electrochemical hydrogen purification and compression systems, based in the Netherlands. Responsible for manufacturing the deblending and purification systems used in the project.

Element2: develops hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) in the UK and is supplying the HRS for the project, as well as a number of test vehicles.

ERM: an energy consultancy, evaluating the market requirements for hydrogen refuelling to develop a deployment strategy for these systems.

Document Library

FutureGrid Deblending Progress Report

Phase 2: Compression

Paving the way for a national hydrogen transmission system, our pioneering compression project is testing the performance of gas compressors with hydrogen to develop an asset fleet that’s fit for the future.

Gas is currently moved around the NTS at high pressure by a complex compression system, comprising more than 60 individual compressor units (mostly industrial versions of jet engines) at 21 compressor stations. The NTS is the only gas network in Great Britain with compression. Many of the compressors used are hydrogen-ready, but it’s vital to test these alongside all other assets to ensure the whole network can perform reliably with hydrogen.  

The FutureGrid Compression project aims to demonstrate that the existing compressor fleet can be modified cost effectively to work with hydrogen. We will test a decommissioned gas turbine with different blends of hydrogen up to 20%, and then modify it to test with 100% hydrogen. This will give us the information required to repurpose our current compressor fleet. We will then carry out offline testing of the full compression system in a range of hydrogen scenarios.  

The aim is to evaluate the capability of rotating machinery and the full compression system when operating with hydrogen – supporting the development of a wider compression strategy for the core hydrogen transmission network.  

Our compression project partners

The FutureGrid compression project is supported by these specialist partners:

DNV: operates the Spadeadam research and development facility, and has been closely working with NGT and GDNs to build the evidence case for repurposing networks for hydrogen operations.

Siemens: original equipment manufacturer of gas turbines and compressors.

Premtech: engineering consultancy and design management company owned by National Gas, with extensive experience of working with NGT and GDNs

Cullum Detuners: designer and manufacturer of enclosure systems.

SGN and Northern Gas Networks (NGN): Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs)

Cardiff University: operates a gas turbine research facility and is contributing technical support and peer review.

HSE Science Division: working closely with NGT to peer review safety case activities. 

Document Library

FutureGrid Compression Progress Report