About National Gas

What we do
National Gas is the backbone of Britain’s energy system today. We are proud of our role in transporting gas to power stations, major industries, storage facilities, more than half a million businesses and around 23 million homes. Our organisation comprises three businesses:
- National Gas Transmission owns and operates the high-pressure national gas network (National Transmission System) that transports gas quickly and safely to wherever it’s needed in Britain.
- National Gas Metering manages and maintains millions of gas meters throughout Great Britain.
- National Gas Services provides nationally important pipeline repair and maintenance services to ensure the gas keeps flowing.
Together, our track record of innovation combined with our expertise in operating critical energy infrastructure enable us to play a key role in the UK’s transition to a clean energy future.
National Gas at a glance:
- 1,600+ employees
- 5,000 miles of pipeline
- More than 60 compressors at 21 compressor sites and more than 500 above-ground installations
Customers directly connected to the NTS:
- 2 LNG terminals
- 3 gas interconnectors (connecting with Belgium, The Netherlands and Ireland)
- 129 gas distribution offtakes
- 35 gas power stations
- 15 gas industrial users
- 9 gas storage sites

Find out more about National Gas, our industry and our responsibilities
Our leadership
Meet our Board of Directors and our executive leadership team. Our Board is responsible for strategic planning, overseeing safety and the delivery of our objectives. The executive leadership is responsible for ensuring gas is transported safely and efficiently from where it's produced to the places where it's consumed.

National Gas in the UK energy sector
As the owner and operator of Critical National Infrastructure – our National Transmission System (NTS) – National Gas has a key role to play in maintaining energy security for Great Britain and developing clean energy solutions to support the transition to net zero.

How we operate
As owner and operator of the gas National Transmission System (NTS), we transport gas safely, efficiently and reliably across Britain. As System Operator, we are responsible for identifying the long-term needs of the network and our customers. As Transmission Owner, we ensure our assets are fit for purpose and safe to operate.

Our History: National Gas
National Gas became a stand-alone organisation on 31 January 2023, when National Grid plc sold a 60% stake in its Gas Transmission and Metering business.
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History of the UK gas industry
Step back in time: from the early days of manufactured gas through nationalisation and the nationwide conversion to natural gas through to privatisation.
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Our business
Get to know the three businesses that make up National Gas, and find out more about our purpose, values and priorities.
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How we are regulated
National Gas is regulated by the energy regulator, Ofgem. As the owner of Britain’s national gas transmission network, we’re classed as a ‘natural monopoly’. The regulatory regime aims to simulate the effects of competition, ensuring we operate in the best interests of consumers.

Our Board has overall responsibility for ensuring the long-term success of the business. Find out more about our Board Committees, steering groups and approach to risk mgmt.
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Our stakeholders
Stakeholders are any individuals or organisations that have an interest in or are impacted by what we do. Find out more about our stakeholder groups.
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Our suppliers
We’re keen to work with suppliers who can support our objectives. Learn about our expectations, sustainability policies and how to work with us.
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