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Operational Data


REMIT is an EU-wide regulation still applicable in the UK, on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency. It provides a mechanism for reporting and preventing energy market abuse. 

REMIT provides a consistent EU-wide framework for wholesale energy market participants. It helps to give consumers, industry and other market participants confidence that wholesale energy prices are open, fair and competitive.  

Market participants have an obligation to publish ‘inside information’ in respect of businesses or facilities which they own or control (or are operationally responsible for) before they can trade on the wholesale energy markets.

REMIT website

To view REMIT notifications, or login as an approved provider of notifications, please go to the REMIT Central Collection & Publication Service website. 

REMIT website

National Gas has launched a central platform for GB REMIT insider trading notifications on behalf of the GB gas industry. This service enables market participants obligated under Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1227/2011 to publish REMIT inside information notifications on a single GB website. It also enables those interested in such notifications to view them or receive live updates. 

Third parties may publish their own notices on their own platforms. 

Visit National Gas REMIT

Please note: the responsibility for publishing inside information remains with the market participant. It is therefore suggested that all notification providers have contingency processes in place should this service be unavailable for any reason.