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26th June 2024

Celebrating 55 years of Bacton Gas Terminal: a pillar of GB energy infrastructure

Celebrating 55 Years of Bacton Gas Terminal: A Pillar of the GB’s Energy Infrastructure

This month, we proudly celebrated a significant milestone — the 55th anniversary of the Bacton Gas Terminal.

Since its commissioning in 1968 and official opening by the Duke of Edinburgh in 1969, Bacton has stood as a cornerstone of our nation’s energy infrastructure, consistently supplying up to one-third of the UK's gas supply and ensuring a reliable flow of energy to homes and businesses across the country.

As we reflect on this achievement, we acknowledge not just the strategic importance of Bacton but also the incredible dedication of the teams and suppliers who work tirelessly on-site every day. Their efforts have been crucial in maintaining energy security for Great Britain, and they continue to be instrumental as Bacton adapts to the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Looking ahead, Bacton is set to play a key role in Great Britain's transition to new technologies, including hydrogen production and carbon capture and storage. These innovations will be essential as we move towards a more sustainable and secure energy future.
