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Innovation project hub

Explore our latest innovation projects and meet the people who make them happen…  
Our innovation projects

To access information on all of our current innovation projects, please visit the Energy Networks Association (ENA) portal

HyNTS Programme

The programme is building evidence for the hydrogen safety case and network capability for transporting hydrogen, leading to Project Union. HyNTS FutureGrid is our high-pressure hydrogen test facility, used to demonstrate that the National Transmission System (NTS) can transport hydrogen safely and reliably.

CO2EXIST Programme

Building evidence for the carbon safety case and network capability for transporting carbon, leading to SCO2T and Project CO2nnect – projects to enable carbon capture and storage to reduce carbon emissions from industrialised areas of Britain.

Explore our innovation themes:

1. Asset development for risk mitigation

Led by Matt Hammond, this theme investigates how the NTS will be transitioned to net zero energy sources and the impact this will have on investments, construction and the operation of these networks.

“Innovation is key to developing the transmission system for transporting hydrogen. The use of innovative techniques and technologies will allow us to repurpose our assets where possible, ensure new assets are fit for purpose, and enable safe operation and maintenance of our future hydrogen transmission system.”

Matt Hammond & Ben Williams

Current projects: 

2. Automation and measurement

This theme is led by Haider Hussain and aims to determine the optimum systems to use for measuring and inspecting our networks, using autonomous and robotic systems where appropriate.

“The introduction of hydrogen into our network, in its pure form or blended with natural gas, alters the physical characteristics of the gas in our pipelines. Traditional technologies used on the NTS don’t have the required capability to measure or sense new hydrogen blends. Therefore, innovation is required in automation and measurement to allow us to manage a hydrogen network safely and efficiently.”

Haider Hussain & Doug Millington-Smith

Current projects:

3. Materials and processing

Led by Robert Best, this theme focuses on enabling our National Transmission System (NTS) assets to accept hydrogen, while delivering improved robustness and maintenance.

“Innovation is key to understanding the risks associated with repurposing the existing network for hydrogen and providing mitigation strategies, where needed. There are also opportunities to explore the use of novel materials to improve the operational efficiency of the assets in a hydrogen system.”

Robert Best & Feona Weekes

Current projects:

4. Digital systems and simulation

This theme focuses on providing accessible, accurate data models of the UK energy network. Led by Sabia Sadiya, it supports the digitalisation of our network and associated assets.

“Digital systems will play a massive part in the energy transition. As the complexity of the network increases with the introduction of net-zero gases, we will need to develop novel tools to ensure we can access and manage our data and therefore the gas network. Interoperability with other energy networks and providers will be key to ensuring a robust and reliable network.”

Sabia Sadiya & Karthik Thangaraj

Current projects:

5. Business development

This theme, led by Harriet Guiry, supports the development of system and network solutions to enable hydrogen deployment by 2050 – ensuring business systems and processes are relevant for a net-zero future.

“Innovation creates change by extending the capability of technology and developing new applications. In turn, this technical advancement drives the need for innovation in supporting frameworks, such as the development of an appropriately skilled workforce. It creates the opportunity to seek out potential new business relationships.”

Harriet Guiry & Helen Dugdale

Current projects:

RIIO-2 Innovation Annual Summaries

Find out more about our innovation activities and read our latest Innovation Annual Summary for 2023/24, published in July 2024.

National Gas Innovation Annual Summary 2023/24

National Gas Innovation Annual Summary 2022/23

National Gas Innovation Annual Summary 2021/22

Key innovation documents

Our Stories

Impact of hydrogen and hydrogen blends on linepack

14th April 2023

Impact of hydrogen and hydrogen blends on linepack

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Multiple Gas Detection

14th April 2023

We're running a project to identify and test gas sensor technologies capable of detecting varying blends of natural gas and hydrogen.

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Variable gas blend measurement system development

14th April 2023

Variable gas blend measurement system development

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Safe venting and recompression of hydrogen

14th April 2023

Safe venting and recompression of hydrogen

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