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14th April 2023

Common Planning Pathway

Common Planning Pathway

We're running a project exploring pathways to Net Zero across the whole energy system, including electricity, natural gas and hydrogen.

Alongside DNV, we’re running an exciting project exploring pathways to net-zero across the whole energy system, including electricity, natural gas, and hydrogen. The aim is to identify the least-regrets, lowest cost approach to delivering network resilience throughout the energy transition and unlock wider opportunities such as renewable electricity, use of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), as well as blue and green hydrogen. Additionally, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) has identified energy system transformation as a provider of growth for the UK economy (Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system - Climate Change Committee (

The Common Planning Pathway (CPP) approach will work alongside existing energy scenario models, such as the Electricity System Operator (ESO) Future Energy Scenarios (FES), that energy networks have used to assess their investments under the price control framework set by Ofgem. The CPP will complement FES and will be a useful tool to be used across energy networks, FSO, regulators, and government.

The project focuses on identifying a common planning pathway which sets out the potential supply and demand for each sector, based on the potential outcomes of both known and assumed decision points over the next decade and out to 2050. This will help ensure future network asset plans reflect the challenges associated with the transition to net zero and decarbonisation across the sector, alongside focusing on all aspects of energy security*; affordability, accessibility, availability and acceptability.

*For more information on energy security visit Energy security - POST (
