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How we’re performing

view of plant at sunset

Here you can find out about how we’re performing under our current business plans, including reliability, the environment, customer satisfaction, customer connections and, most importantly, safety.

How we’re performing under our current business plans

The RIIO-T2 price control runs for five years from 2021-2026.

Under RIIO-T2, the outputs we deliver are clearly articulated and are linked to the calculation of our allowed revenue. These outputs have been determined through an extensive consultation process, allowing us to focus on the delivery of outcomes that our customers and stakeholders have told us that they value the most.

These outputs are divided into three main consumer priority areas: 

  • Meeting the needs of consumers and network users
  • Maintaining a safe and resilient network 
  • Delivering an environmentally sustainable network.

Our results

In the third year of RIIO-T2 we have been able to build on the good performance achieved in the previous years for our customers against the challenging outputs outlined in our three consumer priority areas, and we are firmly on track to deliver the majority of our RIIO-T2 outputs.

Our annual performance against our three consumer priority areas, and a detailed performance report, can be found below.

Meet the needs of consumers and network users

We achieved the relevant target for all of our outputs that sit within the ‘meeting the needs of consumers and network users’ priority area.

We continued to build upon the progress we have made in previous years and have sustained customer satisfaction and stakeholder satisfaction ratings above target. 

We have also had successes in our System Operator (SO) suite of incentives, with Demand Forecasting, Maintenance, Constraint Management and Residual Balancing incentives, where we have continued to look for opportunities to drive performance and have achieved all of our incentive scheme targets.

Maintain a safe and resilient network

We have made good progress against our outputs related to the ‘maintaining a safe and reliable network’ consumer priority, maintaining very high levels of reliability and availability for our customers to input and offtake gas from our system, whenever they want to. 

This includes a significant increase in asset health volumes delivered this year and steady progress made with the development of a number of major projects. 

We know that we still need to accelerate delivery in other areas, in order to meet our RIIO-T2 outputs, and we have strategies in place which focus on optimising efficient delivery, looking for opportunities to package works and applying innovative thinking to drive value for our customers and stakeholders.

Deliver an environmentally sustainable network

We have made positive steps in progressing the outputs that contribute to the consumer priority area of ‘delivering an environmentally sustainable network’.

We have performed well against baseline targets for our environmental incentives and the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) incentive. We have progressed projects under the Net Zero Pre-construction and Small Net Zero Projects re-opener (NZASP) uncertainty mechanism to address methane emissions from operating the NTS.

We are investing in low emissions technology and working hard to make sure we comply with the latest emissions legislation. 

You can find out more about our Environmental Action Plan here.

Your feedback is important

We want to make sure we’re improving in the areas that are important to you, so we welcome your feedback on our performance.

Please email us at the address below.

plant at dawn

Our performance summary (RIIO-T2)

We publish a summary of our performance so that we can explain how we have performed to our customers, stakeholders and end consumers. We hope that you find it useful and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve our report in the future.

Performance summary documents

You can read or download our performance summary documents by clicking on the relevant link below.

Previous information (RIIO-1)

Safety: providing a safe energy network

We’ve achieved a strong safety performance, which is crucial to our stakeholders, the communities we serve and to our business. We’re on track to meet government requirements for protecting our assets that are essential for securing UK infrastructure.

We’ve maintained a 100% compliance with HSE legislation. And our injury frequency rate (the number of injuries per 100,000 hours worked) has remained low throughout the RIIO-T1 period.

Reliability: delivering long-term reliability, minimising the number and duration of interruptions

We’ve maintained very high levels of reliability and availability for our customers to input and offtake gas from our system, whenever they want to.

We know we need to do more to manage constraints (where gas is restricted from flowing between two points). However, we’ve continually reduced the number of maintenance days requested over the RIIO-T1 period. This makes sure our customers can continue to supply gas to their own customers.

Environmental impact: playing our role in achieving broader environmental objectives

Minimising the impact our business has on the environment is important to us, and to our stakeholders.

A large part of our carbon footprint is made up of our gas-powered compressors, which move gas from entry point to where it’s needed. Changing supply patterns have led to increasing emissions in recent years.

We’ve responded by investing in low emissions technology to meet customers' use of the network. We’re working hard to make sure we comply with the latest emissions legislation.

Customer and stakeholder satisfaction

We’re measured on customer and stakeholder satisfaction through annual surveys. The incentive limits we can earn are (+ / -) 1 per cent of our annual allowed revenue. Our satisfaction scores have improved since the start of RIIO-T1, although we had a slight reduction in 2017/18.

Our customers and stakeholders have remained a key priority. As part of our customer transformation programme, we’ve used feedback to create detailed action plans to help us improve even further.

Connecting customers quickly and efficiently

We continue to improve the customers’ connections service we offer both in terms of the products and charging structures. We’re progressing well with our Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funded Customer Low Cost Connections (CLoCC) project, which aims to reduce the time and cost to connect.

In addition, we have met all requirements associated with connection and capacity requests submitted by our customers, except in one case where we agreed a delay of two days with a customer.

Performance summary documents (RIIO-1)