our services
Residential Metering

National Gas Metering serves the domestic gas industry by providing traditional gas meters in residential properties.
As a meter equipment provider (MEP) and meter equipment manager (MEM), we provide a range of core services for domestic gas consumers.
These include:
- Meter installation, maintenance, exchange and removal
- Customer service and support
- Asset procurement and logistics management
Residential customers: who to contact
National Gas Metering provides traditional gas meters and associated services for residential properties. For any queries relating to gas emergencies, gas billing, electricity metering or bills, keeping warm or energy efficiency, please contact the relevant organisation listed below:
- If you smell gas, open doors and windows, turn the gas off (if you can do so safely), exit the property and call 0800 111 999.
- If you are experiencing a power cut, please call 105.
Contact your gas supplier:
- To provide your meter readings
- For queries about your gas bill
- For queries about smart meters
- For queries about the credit on your gas meter
- If you no longer need to use your gas supply and wish to permanently remove the gas connection from your property.
If you don’t know who your gas supplier is, you can find out by using the Find My Supplier website or contacting the Meter Point Administration helpline on 0870 608 1524.
- Contact your electricity supplier:
- For queries about your electricity supply or bills.
If you don’t know who your electricity supplier is, you can find out by using the Energy Network Association search tool.
If you have a query or concern relating to property, land or equipment owned or operated by National Grid, please call 0800 096 3080 (Mon to Friday, 8am to 5pm) or visit www.nationalgrid.co.uk.
If you would like advice on keeping warm and safe through the winter, or reducing your energy costs, the following resources may be helpful:
If you suspect a meter has been tampered with, you can report it anonymously to Stay Energy Safe on 0800 023 2777.
If you need to report nuisance or scam calls or messages, call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
- Please send suspicious emails to [email protected]
- How to identify a scam
Can I purchase my own gas meter from a third party?
Yes, the facility for a gas consumer to provide their own meter is set out in the Gas Act. However, this is more common for larger industrial customers, who have the engineering capability to maintain this equipment.
Smaller gas consumers are permitted to own (or to arrange for provision of) their own gas meter, but must also ensure that it's properly maintained. Please note that to consume gas through the meter, you will still need to have an appointed gas supplier and will be billed accordingly.