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National Gas Transmission

Landowners, occupiers and grantors 

Our network of gas pipes crosses urban and rural areas of land that are owned and occupied by third parties. We maintain good working relationships with landowners and occupiers to manage access to our essential assets.  

How we work with grantors (landowners and occupiers)

Most gas transmission equipment (such as pipelines) is located on or under third-party land. Before we can install and operate gas assets on land we do not own, we require rights from the owner or occupier of that land. These landowners and occupiers are known as “grantors”, and we are committed to maintaining successful working relationships with them to help us look after our pipes and assets. 

Access to land for maintenance and refurbishment 

National Gas has a duty to maintain the gas transmission system and energy supplies. That means we need to be able to access our equipment quickly and easily, when necessary, for inspection, maintenance or refurbishment. 
Our rights of access to carry out maintenance and refurbishment work are contained within our permanent easement with the landowner.  
New technology is helping us to reduce the disruption caused when we need to access our assets. However, during major refurbishment, we may need to put up safety scaffolding over properties, roads and other developments. 

Further useful information  

For more information about how we maintain and install our assets, as well as guidance on working near our assets, please take a look at the resources below:  
