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Who we work with

Third-party suppliers

Third-party suppliers
Our trusted and valued third-party suppliers play a pivotal role in ensuring we maintain the quality, ingenuity and reliability of our gas metering systems and services. 

Our suppliers are our trusted partners in delivering excellence for customers. We build strong partnerships with a wide range of suppliers, from meter equipment and component manufacturers to materials suppliers and technology partners.

Ultimately, our suppliers are an extension of our team. We rely on their skills, expertise and technologies to help us provide reliable, innovative and targeted gas metering solutions for our clients.

  • Shared values and quality assurance: We align ourselves with suppliers who share our commitment to quality, precision and excellence. Through a meticulous selection process, we identify partners who meet the highest industry standards, ensuring that every component and material we use meets our demanding quality criteria.
  • Innovation and technological leadership: In a fast-changing industry, innovation is the key to staying ahead. Our suppliers are at the forefront of technological advancements, consistently delivering cutting-edge solutions that enable us to provide the latest gas metering technology for our clients. Our strategic partnerships also enable us to continuously improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • Reliable supply chain management: A dependable supply chain is crucial to our ability to deliver on time and meet client expectations. Our suppliers are carefully selected not only for their product quality but also for their reliability in meeting deadlines and ensuring consistent availability. This reliability forms the foundation of our operational excellence.
  • Customisation and flexibility: We understand that every project is unique, so consultation and customisation are the key to success. Our suppliers share our commitment to flexibility and adaptability, allowing us to tailor solutions to meet specific requirements. Our trusted partnerships empower us to address diverse challenges and implement them effectively.
  • Sustainability and responsibility: Environmental responsibility and ethical practices are integral to our corporate values. Our suppliers share this commitment, adhering to sustainable sourcing practices, minimising waste and promoting responsible production. Together, we contribute to a more sustainable and responsible industry.
  • Collaboration for continuous improvement: Regular communication and feedback with our suppliers enable us to continuously enhance our offerings. Our combined efforts result in better products and services for our clients.