Stakeholder Resources

Welcome to our one-stop shop for National Gas stakeholders.

The confidence and support of our customers and stakeholders fundamentally shape our business. We want to listen closely and commit to having genuine partnerships to really build a successful future. 

If you can't find what you're looking for or would like to engage, please contact us and we'll come back to you as soon as we can.

Developing our Future Plans Together

We recently shared how we are ramping up our engagement with our customers and stakeholders.

We want to hear from you now and into the future, as we prepare for our RIIO3 submission in 12 months. This is your chance to learn more about our vision, values and goals, and to share your feedback, ideas and questions with us. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and help us shape the future of our business.

Watch the recap video now:

Watch Now
Cover image, Shaping the future

Help to shape the gas transmission system of the future

Throughout the year we run a programme of events for our stakeholders to engage and inform with a focus on tackling challenges experienced across the wider energy industry and beyond. This helps guide our decision making processes across all areas of the business. Click the button below to view all previous events and register for any that are upcoming.

View our Summer 2023 engagement webinars
National Gas Homepage Banner

Introducing National Gas

We are delighted to share that National Grid Gas Transmission has become National Gas – which comprises National Gas Transmission and National Gas Metering. Click here to watch our webinar to find out more.

Engagement Team Newsletter

Read the most recent newsletter from the Engagement Team

Latest Newsletter


Recent Engagement Materials

Developing our Future Plans Together | November 2023

We recently shared how we are ramping up our engagement with our customers and stakeholders.

We want to hear from you now and into the future, as we prepare for our RIIO3 submission in 12 months. This is your chance to learn more about our vision, values and goals, and to share your feedback, ideas and questions with us. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and help us shape the future of our business.

Developing our Future Plans Together Webinar

Slide Pack



Update on Non-Transmission Charges | February 2023

During December 2022, we shared an update on the indicative prices for General Non-Transmission Services charges for October 2023 and subsequent years, including drivers of the changes and how these influence charges.

We would now like to share some updates on our proposed approach to updating General Non-Transmission Services charges for October 2023 and future years.

Non-Transmission Charges Webinar

Exit Constraints | December 2022

Bridget Hartley, Head of Physical Operations talked through and responded to a number of your queries around identifying and managing exit capacity constraints.

This webinar was for our customers who off-take gas from the NTS (buy exit capacity) and explained exit constraints from an operational, commercial and Network Emergency Management perspective.

We are pleased to be able to share with you the full set of questions covered during, and submitted to, the Exit Constraint webinar, held on 16th December. 

Following the Christmas and New Year break, we were asked to also include written responses to the many questions answered during the webinar. We have therefore added these alongside our answers to the Slido questions and grouped answers together to help you navigate the document. In addition, we have created a table of acronyms, which we hope will provide you with further clarity.

Q&A Document


Update on Non-Transmission Charges | December 2022

In July, we shared an update and some indicative prices for Non-Transmission Charges, notably the General Non-Transmission Services Entry and Exit charges, and some of the drivers behind them.

This webinar is an opportunity to share some updates on the impacts of changing costs after the publication of the October 2022 Non-Transmission charges and how such costs are driving Non-Transmission charges into the future, key drivers behind them and for you to ask any questions.

The final prices for October 2022 were published on 29th July and this update will look forwards to how changing costs impact future charges.

Non-Transmission Charges Webinar

Gas Demand Side Response (DSR) | November 2022

Join us on the subject of Gas Demand Side Response (Gas DSR). This follows recently approved reforms to the Gas DSR arrangements under UNC Modification 0822, which obliges NGG to run an annual invitation to offer process seeking commitments by shippers in advance, on behalf of large consumers, to offer DSR quantities for which they would be compensated at prices they define. NGG will be launching the first invitation process on 18th November 2022, for which a pre-communication was issued on Friday 4th November 2022.

The purpose of this webinar is to:

  • Re-cap on the key elements of the DSR reforms
  • Promote participation in this invitation event by encouraging the necessary discussions between shippers, suppliers and large gas consumers
  • Elicit feedback from shippers and consumers about intentions to participate
  • Encourage shippers and large consumers to respond to a NGG questionnaire about the invitation process and how Gas DSR could be further reformed to broaden access.

Gas DSR Webinar

Response Arrangements Webinar | September 2022

Tom Wilcock, System Operations Emergency and Compliance Manager held a webinar to refresh the Energy Industry’s understanding of how a gas supply shortage is managed by the Industry. This is part of a series of assurance and awareness events leading into winter, including the delivery of the annual Network Emergency Coordinator (NEC) Industry Exercise, ‘Degree’.

The webinar included:

  • An overview of revised processes
  • A walk-through of initial steps taken to mitigate a deficit of gas
  • A refresh of the Network Gas Supply Emergency (NGSE) strategy
  • An opportunity for Q&A

Response Arrangements Webinar

Update on Non-Transmission Charges & October Statement | July 2022

On 29th June, we shared an update and some indicative prices for Non-Transmission Charges, notably the General Non-Transmission Services Entry and Exit charges, and some of the drivers behind them. 

On 28th July we shared some further updates on the prices due to be published, key drivers and answered your questions.

In addition, here is a link to the Transmission System Charges webpage where you will find the October 2022 Transportation Statement published on 29th July.

Gas Transportation Charges Webinar

Methane Emissions | March 2022

We are now in a position to share our proposals to implement improved detection and quantification of methane emissions from the UK gas national transmission system and the opportunities we have identified to reduce and where possible eliminate methane emissions from our operations.

Methane Emissions Webinar

Emergency Curtailment Quantity (ECQ) | March 2022

An industry webinar event sponsored by the E3C Gas Task Group, to examine and assure preparedness for the restoration of the gas network following an NGSE.

Emergency Curtailment Quantity (ECQ) Webinar

Consumer Choice Debate | January 2022

Join expert panellists representing Citizens Advice, Energy Savings Trust, Energy Systems Catapult, Greenpeace, National Energy Action and Sustainability First to explore what choices do consumers have today and what choices do they need as we transition to low carbon heating? 

Consumer Choice Debate

Bacton Terminal Strategy Playback | January 2022

Over the summer 2021, we worked with you to understand your needs of the site.  This insight has been fed into the options and delivery programme which we shared in a webinar in November 2021. We have since spent time reviewing and triangulating stakeholder feedback and play back what we’ve heard and what we’re doing on the back of this.

Bacton Terminal Playback Webinar

St Fergus

Stakeholders told us the St Fergus terminal is a site of fundamental importance to the UK in that it provides flexibility, supports security of supply and supports access to UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) gas, helping to keep gas prices low.
We spoke to stakeholders to understand their thoughts on the potential future charging and commercial arrangements for the St Fergus Terminal. We’ve spent time reviewing and triangulating your feedback and would like to share our findings with you.

Read more about the consultation

Hydrogen roadmap to 2050

Over the last 12 months, we have engaged extensively to develop this roadmap to 2050.

Take a look at our roadmap to Net Zero

Man on the telephone

Data and operations

Learn how we balance the National Transmission System (NTS), see the latest operational data, real time flow data and more.

Man and woman looking at graph

Future of Gas

To continue to deliver safe, reliable gas supplies at the best value for consumers, a process is needed to consider how market frameworks need to change across all potential futures. Learn more about our Gas Markets Plan.


We’ve been awarded funding through the Network Innovation Competition for our FutureGrid project, to look at the possibility of converting the NTS to transport hydrogen.

Women meeting in an office

Commercial and regulatory change

Find out about the current and past projects and changes related to commercial contracts, notably the Uniform Network Code.

Impact Report 2021/22

It is a pleasure to introduce a publication that isn’t an obligation in any sense, but is a product of our partnership with stakeholders: you have asked us to deliver on your stated priorities, and to show how we have done it.

Insight and innovation

Our wide range of publications provides energy insight and analysis, as well as information about how we are shaping the future of energy in the UK.

Annual Environmental Report and our RIIO-2 Environmental Action Plan

Our Annual Environment Report, in the context of the RIIO-T2 framework, provides an overview of our progress against the five pillars of our Environmental Action Plan and the activities we have undertaken in the most recent financial year

Woman working on laptop for National Grid digitalisation strategy

Digitalisation Action Plan December 2023

Delivering our digitalisation strategy will help us to realise our ambition to be at the heart of a clean, fair and affordable energy future for everyone. View the strategy and previous versions below**

*Annual Environmental Report and our RIIO-2 Environmental Action Plan

Our Annual Environment Report, in the context of the RIIO-T2 framework, provides an overview of our progress against the five pillars of our Environmental Action Plan and the activities we have undertaken in the most recent financial year

Read the report


Appendix  A: Environmental Action Plan Brochure

Appendix B: Environmental Action Plan Methodology Data Lake 

Appendix C: UAGCVS Report May 2023

Read the Environmental Action Plan

Read the previous 2021/2022 Environmental Report 

**Digitalisation Strategy & Action Plan
Digitalisation Strategy - March 2024View Strategy
Digitalisation Action Plan - June 2024View Action Plan


Digitalisation Action Plan - December 2023View
Digitalisation Action Plan - June 2023View
Digitalisation Action Plan - December 2022View
Digitalisation Action Plan - June 2022View
Digitalisation Action Plan - December 2021View
Digitalisation Action Plan - June 2021View
Digitalisation Strategy - March 2022View
Digitalisation Action Plan - December 2020View
Digitalisation Strategy - December 2020View
Digitalisation Strategy - December 2019 View



Learn more about connecting to, diverting, and shipping using the gas National Transmission System (NTS).



Find information about the charges that users of the gas National Transmission System (NTS) have to pay and how they are calculated.

Couple looking online on a tablet

Our RIIO-2 business plan

RIIO (Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Outputs). The RIIO model offers network companies incentives for innovation and securing investment, so they can develop sustainable energy networks at the lowest cost for current and future customers.

Gas Quality Blending Service consultation

We have recently been exploring the potential for National Grid to offer gas quality blending services at NTS entry points.Learn more about our Gas Quality Blending Service consultation

Woman working on laptop for National Grid digitalisation strategy

Previous RIIO-2 business plan engagement

Find information about how we consulted with you and other stakeholders on our RIIO-2 business plan.

How you shaped our business plan