Who should apply to connect

Information for our suppliers


Here you will find information for our existing suppliers, along with latest news and updates on our Coupa supplier portal.

Code of conduct

You can download the Supplier Code of Conduct by clicking on the link below.

Download Supplier Code of Conduct


Upcoming Coupa Supplier Portal outages

Following the sale of National Gas from National Grid we have been working hard to separate our own businesses IT infrastructure. This is a complicated process, but we are making good progress and much of this activity is due to conclude later this year. As part of this separation, there will be a planned systems outage between 28 June and 22 July. This temporary switch off for several key systems includes the National Gas Coupa portal*. We appreciate your patience through this period of change and will do all we can to support you through it. 

Following our final separation and move on to Gas IT infrastructure from the 22 July, there will be some minor changes you will notice to Coupa. We have outlined these below. Please feel assured that changes have been kept to a minimum, and ways of working will remain largely the same. 

How this affects you

During this closure National Gas will be unable to issue purchase orders, receipt any received goods/services, process invoices/credit notes or make payments.     

You will not be able to submit invoices/credit notes via the National Gas Coupa Supplier Portal or Supplier Actionable Notifications during this time. If you currently use the email invoicing process, you can continue to submit invoices, but they will not be processed until Coupa reopens. Invoices will be paid as soon as possible after National Gas Coupa* is available, which is expected to be 22 July.

We would strongly recommend that if you do not already, you look to use the Coupa Supplier Portal for invoice submission in the future.

Changes following the separation: 

Following our final separation and move on to Gas IT infrastructure from the 22 July, there will be some minor changes you will notice to Coupa: 

  • You will have to re-connect to the Coupa Supplier Portal. Look out for an email notification to connect. You will have to grant access to your existing CSP users through the newly created National Gas customer. 
  • Our customer name will change in the Coupa Supplier Portal, to “National Gas”.
  • POs will be sent to you from the new domain [email protected] please ensure you have this saved so that emails are not blocked.

There will be no changes to PO, Contract number or any other identifiers. 

 *This outage does not impact the National Grid and ESO systems.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please email your regular National Gas contact in Procurement or for specific payment / invoice queries please email [email protected].